Country of origin:
Formed in: 1993

Storm - Logo
Genre: Viking/Folk Metal
Lyrical themes: Norse folklore, Pride
Last label: Moonfog Productions
Years active: 1993-1995
Not to be confused with:
• Storm from Stavanger.
• Storm from Trondheim.

Compilation appearances:
- "Oppunder skrent og villmark", "Noregsgard" (remix) and "Mellom bakkar og berg" (rehearsal) on Crusade from the North (Moonfog, 1996).

On the album Nordavind, Storm plays metallized versions of traditional Norwegian folk songs.

After Nordavind was released, Kari Rueslåtten stated in the Norwegian music newspaper Puls that when she agreed to join the project, she made sure that there would be no extreme lyrics in the songs, but then she felt betrayed by Satyr and Fenriz because the latter one wrote a new end to the song "Oppi fjellet": "...en grusom død til hver en mann/som ikke hyller vårt faderland..." ("...a horrifying death to every man/who doesn't hail our fatherland...") and " du noengang lukter kristenmannsblod/oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet/ja hent øksa og hugg dem ned/oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet" ("..if you ever smell the Christian man's blood/up in the mountains, up in the mountains/then get your axe and chop them down/up in the mountains, up in the mountains"). According to Kari "I reacted very strongly when I heard that they had changed the lyrics, but I wasn't strong enough to say no. Now I want that people shall forget this. I feel totally crushed and I feel that I have lost everything, but people must accept that I have made a mistake. And they have to see me as the person I am, as the artist I am. I don't want to be punished more than I already have been punished through this".

The lyrics from the first paragraph of the song "Nagellstev" are the same as the words said by "The Girl" in Ulver's song "Capitel II - Soelen gaaer bag Aase need" from the Bergtatt album, minus the archaic way of writing.

("Solen går bak åse ned
Skuggan blir så lange
Natta kjem snart att
Tekje meg i fange "


"Sola gaar bak Aase ned
Skuggan' bli saa lange
Natte kjem snart atteved
Teke meg i Fange")

Storm - Photo



Herr Nagell Drums, Vocals
See also: Darkthrone, Valhall, ex-Fenriz' Red Planet, ex-Fuck You All, ex-Isengard, ex-Neptune Towers, ex-Regress FF, ex-Black Death, ex-Dødheimsgard, ex-Dass & Flass, ex-Eibon, ex-Pilgrim Sands, ex-Reitgjerde Pasientband, and the Heavy Ripping Fyrstikk
S. Wongraven Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Vocals
See also: Satyricon, ex-Wongraven, ex-Darkthrone (live), ex-Infernö, ex-Black Diamond Brigade, ex-Eczema, ex-Eibon
Kari Rueslåtten Vocals
See also: Kari Rueslåtten, ex-The Third and the Mortal, ex-The Sirens




Nordavind Full-length 1995
Crusade from the North Split 1996


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