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After the excellent debut "Nimeredin" the Italians Medenera after exactly one year, have released their second album "Oro" this year, also released as the first, both in digital edition and in limited edition digipack 100 copies, through the Russian label GS prod. It is a work with a thousand facets that bewitches already at the first listening with its sweet and fascinating melodies that bring the listener to an enchanted world, light years away from the stress of this sick world. We have heard the man behind this project, trying to bring some light into the mystery that surrounds him and its art.
ABM: and so you came to your second effort is it a coincidence that it was released on Christmas day as the debut album?
Medenera: Absolutely not, the case does not exist, even more if it is we who decide, and I mean on a conscious level. This intuition took place with "Nimeredin" and the same logic has been transposed to "Oro", so expect also for the next works on Christmas day as release date.
ABM: what are the fundamental differences compared to the debut album, can we talk about improvement or simple evolution?
Medenera: I think both terms are correct. I would say that we can speak of improvement, as compared to Nimeredin I do not perceive "weak" moments. The whole album is more compact, despite being of a much longer length. I would speak of evolution in relation to the message inherent in the work, which this time, is more direct.
ABM: also this time you have dealt with all the instruments and voices, however it is possible to listen to many instruments such as harps or lutes as well as female voices, are they all the work of a computer or has someone joined you?
Medenera: Also this time I did everything myself with the help of the excellent electronic ally.
ABM: listening to your work, it seems that every sound is meticulously calibrated to fit perfectly into the musical context, how was making “Oro” tell us a little about your research of the sounds, computer programs and instruments you use.
Medenera: But so you ask me to reveal my most intimate secrets eheh, okay just because it's you. The Internet offers the possibility of obtaining thousands of plug in, loops and so on. The search for the best sounds takes a long time, but the results largely pay for the investment. More specifically, I can tell you that I use Studio one as workstation and dozens of plug-ins among which "Medieval era" and "Shevannai" which played an important role, but there were really many plug-ins used that making a complete list would end up interesting only the most geeks.
ABM: Are you satisfied with the result or would you have liked something to come out differently?
Medenera: I am very satisfied with what I did, I think if I had recorded in a professional studio I could have had some more fans, however I am convinced that even if the album would have come out with a more captivating sound it would have lost in the atmosphere. I really believe that this is one of the areas in which recording at home is a surplus value, compared to the cold standardization that, more often than not, a professional release requires.
ABM: I think your project is currently underestimated compared to the enormous potential it is expressing, however this album also has a limited edition of 100 copies, do you think this is the maximum number of people who may be interested in buying the CD, or is it your desire that the same ends in a few trustworthy hands, and how has the reaction of the fans been so far?
Medenera: I am not very interested in the commercial aspect, also because the commercial potential of this type of music is so low, that it would only be a great waste of time. I realized, thanks to the interest of Vitaly of Gs prod. also a physical cd, because I wanted to do it and I knew that 100 was the number that, in any case, I could manage. Even if the request was greater, I don't think I would print other copies because it takes a long time to package and send them.
ABM: can you explain the title of the album and the meaning of the individual tracks, are we facing a sort of concept album or is it just an impression?
Medenera: It could be called a wide-ranging concept since this album is part of a larger work that includes setting the music of the phases of the world, where “Oro” that means Gold is the primordial stage, where everything was perfect. In the following phases humanity will experience decay, up to the present day defined of the iron age
ABM: can you tell us who made that splendid cover and the graphics of the cd, how did you come up with the idea of selling elements like the tower on your bandcamp page?
Medenera: As for the artwork, I took care of everything, assembling images that had particularly inspired me, to which I gave a new life. With regard to the tower, it was an idea that came to me as a result of the fact that I love to make such objects in my spare time and I thought that it could also be of interest to the listener to have, in addition to the CD, an object that refers in some way to Medenera’s themes.
ABM: we have come to the end of this interview, I leave the last words to you, perhaps to reveal any plans for the future.
Medenera: At present I can tell you that there will be at least three other albums wanting to adhere to the Ovidian description of the four phases of the world or five if I if I had to take into account the age of the heroes, which is a phase that is placed before the current iron age. At the end of this I will put an end to the project.
Medenera i s a r a t h e r u n k n o w n b a n d a r o u n d h e r e , s o l e t ' s s t a r t w i t h t h e u s u a l b i t o f h i s t o r y p l e a s e
Medenera: I created Medenera in 2017, originally the project did not have a name, I was interested only in creating epic and evocative music, I am the creator I do not have a name and I do not even have a story, I'm just an idea. Medenera is the manifestation of a precise will expressed by an ego in search of the truth.
W h a t a r e y o u r i n f l u and n c e s w h and n c o m p o s i n g?
Medenera: There are no influences, when there would be a split between the music and its creator. In reality, music is part of the creator, there is no external influence, because there is no external world. The music of Medenera is only a song that comes from the deep, where there is a single whole.
H o w t h e r e c o r d i n g p r o c e s s t o o k p l a c e? I n w h i c h w a y s?
Medenera: Each song starts from a melody that acts like a seed, the rest of the song are the shoots and the branches of that seed. Once the songs are planted the songs will grow slowly, receiving continuous care on my part, until becoming the final being that manifests itself in the form of complete song.
H o w d o y o u r e l to t e y o u r s e l f (h u m a n l y, a r t i s t i c y ll y) t o the modern black metal scene?
Medenera: The music i play is catalogable, in what we define in the external world, "Atmospheric black Metal". If we want to talk about the scene, we have to resort to what unites more artists, that is the origin from the same geographical place, or a common political / religious vision or both. I do not share anything with anyone in the world, the only thing that unites me to other artists and can make me be part of a scene, is the sound of my music, that are only the latest promanations of the primordial energy from which it drift, like every manifestation of this world.
Your album has been uploaded by numerous channel on youtube, what do you think about this kind of promotion? In particular Medenir is among the albums that have had more views, among those of the famous Atmospheric black metal channel, did you expect all that views?
Medenera: I did not choose to be published on youtube, Medenera, on the other hand, does not have an official channel. I can only acknowledge that after a few hours since the publication on Bandcamp, YouTube channels have uploaded Nimeredin, without me asking for anything. I'm fine with it, I think it's a spontaneous way of making fans' promotion that should be appreciated. If the record has been heard a thousand or a million times it makes no difference, the numbers are food for what disturbs our minds.
D o y o u play all the intruments? where did you record "Medenir"?
Medenera: No, of course, I use the computer for drum and classical instruments, I only deal with guitars and bass. Medenir was registered entirely in my home studio, because it would have been too expensive in terms of energy to do otherwise. To use a more understandable language, I should say in economic terms, since energy in this world is measured essentially with money.
disconnect from them. The mind is just an instrument like a computer, just as we have the limits of the computer so we should have clear the limits of our mind without ever having to identify with what it looks like, which is a description of the functional reality in its way to operate.
Why two titles, i noticed the album it's also entitled "Nimeredin"?
Medenera: The original title was Medenir, but then it was changed to Nimeredin, because the energies that animated this creation had changed. So on the cover read Nimeredin, while the disc was recorded on the internet with its original name. listeners will choose which name sound best suited to what they hear.
Any words for those who criticize you?
Medenera is a phenomenon just emerged, the criticism for the time being very few or at least those that I read. In general I think come from those who believe that black metal is what unfortunately has become today, that is music like any other to be recorded in a super-equipped and super-expensive recording studio. This is not my way of being Black Metal. in addition to someone else does not appeal the simplicity of the compositions, the truth is just that these people ignore how difficult it is to make it seem simple what it really is not.
W h a t a r e y o u r e x p e c t a t i o n s f o r "Medenir" a l b u m?
Medenera: Expectations concern a future to which I am not connected, I live a single great moment that is the present moment, the moment in which I have also become this record which is none other than the ramification of the original seed, of the creative energy.
Thank you for answering my questions, any last words?
Medenera: Just thak you for this opportunity.
Welcome to the pages of insane voices labirynth. Medenera was born in 2017, so a fairly recent project behind which there is only one person. In fact, it is a one man band. Who is hiding behind Medenera? Would you like to tell us something about you, other than the music?
Of course not, or rather, I would very much be able to say who I am, but I can not and the reason is simple, I do not know who I am and Medenera is nothing but one of the many representations of my being, through which I try to unravel the thick skein of the unknown that surrounds me.
Tell us about the idea of this project and why 'Medenera'.
I started composing songs that could be grafted into the evocative / atmospheric, almost as a challenge launched to myself, putting a simple pact, I would have published the result, only if I could create something special compared to the many wonderful records of this genre, so far produced.
The reason for choosing the name is not completely clear to me, the problem is that the "I" that chose it, now belongs to a temporal area that is no longer. At the current state of my knowledge, I can only hypothesize: it can be referred to a future or past era that is evoked through an artistic representation, of which I am the medium, but it can not be excluded that it may be a black deity or a qualification of something that absolutely it is foreign to my knowledge.
How is a Medenera song created? What are the main sources of inspiration regarding the texts and how are they born?
I Usually start from a melody, as simple and evocative as possible, from there I move on to enrich the song layer by layer. The writing of the texts takes place at a later time, when the track is already in an advanced phase of composition. I have the most spontaneous approach possible, in the sense that I do not write anything and then adapt it to the melodies. The sung is the most personal part, because it happens without the use of an instrument, therefore, before singing, I create a strong state of relaxation, and then in my mind come phrases that may appear cryptic to the outside world, but for me they are very eloquent, as deriving from my deepest being.
In your music I found some references to Elderwind and in some parts, even if vaguely, to Summoning. Did these two bands really arouse in you, influencing you in some way, or was it just my impression?
There have been so many bands that have inspired me, and certainly those that you mention, in particular Summoning have had a prominent place, but in general more than individual bands, I would say the set of excellent bands that are coming out all over the world right in the recent years, I mention a few: Luster, Eldamar, Nord Frost, Caladan Brood, Unreqvited, Lumnos, Aquilus, etc ... Although the genre, to the most superficial listener, could now be dated, I think it is in a tumult unprecedented, of which few truly realize. The empirical evidence of what I say is easily found, taking a look at the youtube channels dedicated to the genre; well, the numbers are impressive in terms of subscribers and views. These channels represent a new agglomeration, therefore the basis, in my opinion, of a new movement that they themselves have contributed to generate. The novelty is not so much in the musical proposal, but in the perception of it, that is now at higher levels, by an audience (of old and new fans) more prepared than in past years. Of course there have always been many other media, managed by people who take seriously to do and who take charge of a job far more difficult than simply upload songs or albums, which goes all my estimate for their dedication; but what I mean to say is that we had never seen such a large aggregate, for a genre like A. B.M., that had joined over a hundred thousand fans, according to the numbers of the subscribers to the channels I cited. Now if there really exist more than 100,000 people in the world who listen to the genre, we must acknowledge that we are dealing with a striking fact, unprecedented.
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On December 25th 2018, on Christmas Day, your first album was released in digital format. I state that it is a really very accurate and exciting job from A to Z. Did you find any difficulty during the compositions? Was there a period in which you did not dedicate yourself or did you work hard during these two years in a constant way to the creation of full length?
The composition took place quickly in the initial phase, but then had a sudden setback. In me the belief that I was creating music of power has failed. Because of a single moment of hesitation, the compositional magic had a setback that lasted for almost a year. At that point I did not force my hand and simply waited for the balance of the forces at stake to change.
The fact of making the album public on December 25th is a choice made on purpose? If you explain to us what it is due to.
After a few months from the block I started to get back to the project changing the name, the album title and the cover that I had temporarily chosen, this helped me a lot and I managed to compose two other songs I sang in Italian, yet still I was not convinced to publish the album, that was languishing in my hard drive again. Until the opening represented by the Sol invictus gates, on December 25th the light finally got the better of darkness, I could not miss this opening.
Forecast regarding the printing of physical copies of the album?
I do not make plans, so much so that the printing of physical CDs was never even a goal. What matters is being able to transmit energy, or rather, energetically shake the listener sensitive to certain issues. This can be achieved, regardless of the medium on which the music is recorded, then I will evaluate the proposals that are coming to me, in particular if some label is able to ensure, besides the physical print, even a decent promotion I might be interested, otherwise it would only be a waste of time, as I would have to deal with packages to be sent around the world, taking away precious time from a second compositional chapter that is the thing that most interests me.
Speaking of live events, obviously a one man band, especially if we talk about a genre like atmospheric Black metal, does not aim to perform live, or at least should organize the thing in a different key, like being joined by other musicians who would you help him with the various tools ... is it something that is not part of your next goals or do you think you start organizing something like that?
You have fully described the situation and I can only confirm that in my opinion, this kind of music is something extremely intimate that does not lend itself to being shared with other people, even if they are energetically related. As far as I am concerned, I see it as something personal, to be heard in perfect solitude, in a wood or even in one's own room, standing by candlelight or in complete darkness. This does not mean that a concert can not take place and translate into a wonderful experience, both for the musicians and for the listeners, but the variables to succeed are too many to be managed at present.
Do you like to follow other musical genres of other Italian underground bands? If you would like to know what you think of the metal and rock world of today in Italy, what were you think the changes compared to a few decades ago and what period, in your opinion, was the most creative.
Without doubt I think that Italian musicians are among the ideal candidates to renew the Metal / rock genre that is still too tied to northern European styles. Frankly being Italians, so creative for excellence, it succeeds badly graft on paths from other predisposed, without distorting and then belittling as it has been so far. At present I could say that there is only an unexpressed potential waiting to be addressed, but never as now we are close, so surely this is the best time, but it will be up to the existing bands and those that will come, generate this jump and above all know how to dare. The road there is only need to find it.

Which instrumental part did you most excited to compose during the creation of your debut album?
It 's hard to say, but if I have to choose I would say the central part of Ertagron, the sound that you hear is a nocturnal creature on a background of cicadas, I recorded it by putting the microphone out the window. That creature all night, while I was composing the piece, was emitting that hiss and the cicadas seemed to be in league, then I realized that they wanted to be part of the music. I promptly connected the microphone to the sound card and I went out to the balcony to capture its essence, it was truly a unique moment.
Medenera, according to its creator ... Describe it with three adjectives.
Epic Evocative Magical.
We have reached the end of this interview. I thank you for the time you dedicated to me and I salute you, leaving you these last lines of space expressing something of your liking ...
I thank all those who are supporting the project, which I like to see as many passengers who take advantage of me, of a means made available to them by providence, to cross all together a part of the unknown.